Stupid Cell Phone Tricks

This is an experimental web site (first developed in 2006) put a cell-phone on the "cloud". Pretty amazing, since the cloud wasn't invented yet. Since I didn't patent the idea, I can't claim to have invented the cloud.

The ultimate goal is to have a virtual web version of your cell phone. The idea is you are out of the office and oh my gosh, your phone gets lost or stolen. All your contacts and meetings are gone! But wait - all the information is also on a 'secure' website. If you have a phone manager like BITPM, the entire phone could be cloned onto a cheap replacement phone. The day is saved!

I have stopped working in wml because most phones no longer use it. It is hard to use wml and php together - Javascript is impossible - Continued experiment will be of the html/xml/LAMP/AJAX variety.

Javascript enabled 'PhoneClone' (In development)

1 WWW Usage
This uses the system cron and shell scripts to report the number of 'hits' on this website. Don't laugh, it frequently is an integer less than 10.

2 Calander
The same cron also runs the unix 'cal' command and concatenates it with a header and footer. In this way it can duplicate the calander function on most cell phones
2+ Same thing done on demand in PHP.

3 Contact List XML via PHP
-or- -- Contact list XML/XLST What a job this was! First, I had to use BITPM to get my phonebook into CSV (comma separated variable) I then used Excel to convert CSV to an XML spreadsheet (very ugly). This was followed by some(a lot)of hand editing. Some php code was written to parse and display the XML data into a web presentable format. As a final exercise, a XSL (XML style sheet tranformation) was written and a reference was inserted into the XML file so it would display properly on any browser.